How to practice self-care as a SAHM or WAHM

Moms work so hard to make sure everyone else is happy that we often completely neglect us. As a SAHM/WAHM, I am with my kids all day and often so drained at the end of the night, I can go weeks without doing a single thing to take care of myself. I know I am not alone with neglecting myself in this way. But mama, it is SO important to practice self-care. Not taking time for yourself is detrimental to how well you care take care of everyone else. We have to find a way to make ourselves a priority.

Self-care is our topic this month for the mom blog challenge I have been participating in hosted by Bonnie. Moms have so many hats to juggle and deserve a little mama time and not just on Mother’s Day! For this post, I want to focus on simple ways to practice self-care. Especially, if like me you are a mom raising kids full-time while also juggling trying to work from home in some capacity.

REAL TALK for a min……I have two little boys under 3 and I have no childcare so I think it goes without saying that they are a 24/7 job. I am definitely in the season of everything revolving around my babies and I am okay with that. So believe me, I get it when you think there is simply no time left in the day for you.

I would love to have enough extra money flowing around to splurge on solo shopping trips, spa days, and girls trips but that is not my reality right now. When you are no longer working outside the home, the extras are just no longer practical. I feel such guilt when I take money from my family to treat myself to something special and I knew when I made a decision to stay home, it would come with financial sacrifices. BUT MAMAS- we should not feel guilty for investing in ourselves here and there! Why do we do this to ourselves?!? This year, I am focusing on not feeling so guilty for spending money on myself when it is necessary.

Back to the point… Here are a few SIMPLE ways I focus on myself as a SAHM/WAHM mom…..specifically, things you can do to focus on you that require little to no spending 🙂

Go to the gym

My gym has a nice kids club that members can take their kids to for up to 2.5 hours a day while they workout. This is the perfect way for me to squeeze in a workout or get in a yoga class. I admit- I don’t go nearly as often as I should but I am at least able to get to the gym once or twice a week and it has been great for both myself and the boys. They love going to kids club and always have a great time. I realize not everyone has access to a gym with childcare but it is 100% worth the expense in my opinion.

Read a book

I have always had a love for reading but since having kids, I don’t get a much time to dive into a good book. My kids and I go the library often so I always make sure to get something for myself to read throughout the month if I am not already in the middle of a new book purchase. It takes me a lot longer to get through a book now that I am juggling the kids and trying to work from home so here’s a mom hack: I typically leave a book in my car so I have something to keep me occupied during the time my kids fall asleep because I REFUSE to wake up sleeping babies! And lately, I have been all about audio books! I am currently reading It’s Not Supposed to be this Way by Lysa Terkeurst.

Grab some wine and catch up on your fav show

When I watch television it is typically something for the kids. My husband and I do a lot of Netflix and chill dates these days after the kids go down for bed which I love but it is a treat for me to sit down with a glass of wine and binge on a show only I would like. As an extra treat, throw on a face mask and really relax. What are some of your favorites shows to binge on right now?

Give yourself a mani/pedi

Before kids and when I was in the corporate world, I had a standing bi-weekly appointment at the nail salon. Whether I needed it or not, I had a mani/pedi every two weeks and it was pure heaven. Frankly, even if I had someone to watch the babies for me that often, I can no longer afford the luxury of bi-weekly mani/pedi’s. I am lucky to get to the nail salon every few months!

I love having freshly painted nails and toes so taking the time to do them is a treat for myself. I typically do this on a day my husband is home to hang with the boys for an hour or so. I invested in quality nail supplies to have at home and I give myself a mani/pedi every few weeks.

I know these are super simplistic ideas but the reality is even these small things are big treats in the world of a SAHM or WAHM. When you are with your kids all the time, it is challenging to do anything that is just for you. I would like to challenge you. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed and like there is no way you have time to do something to focus on yourself, remember it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

What do you do to squeeze in self-care as a SAHM/WAHM mom? I would love to hear to give myself and other mama readers additional ideas to find ways to take care of themselves.

Simple ways to take care of yourself when you have no childcare. Self-care ideas for the SAHM or WAHM mom
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DFW Realtor Tasha Hinton


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