And here we go again- Hinton Party of Five coming soon!

baby announcement, pregnancy announcement, baby number 3 announcement

Yes you read that right! We are expecting our third baby making us a party of five come February! I am still in shock that we are expecting our third baby. Like what?! I had a lot of mixed emotions about the news when we first found out but I am really excited now. I know every child is a gift from God and I feel blessed that the Lord sees fit to give me another one. I know he does not put more on us than we can handle so he must feel I am up for the task. So let me catch you up on everything……

How we found out

I was knee deep in preparing for a big family vacation/wedding that’s been on the books for over a year. The last thing I expected was I would be pregnant during this almost 2 week long vacation! Speaking of our vacation, we had such a great time! Keep reading because I’m going to sprinkle photos from the trip throughout this pregnancy post!

I was still nursing my youngest son and gearing up for what would have been only my third menstrual cycle since he was born (an entirely different post all in itself for my breastfeeding mamas). Only, it never came. I was freaking out! Don’t get me wrong, having a third baby was never completely out of the question seeing that we were not doing anything to prevent it. But the timing was certainly less than ideal and we were NOT expecting the news!

So between knowing my body and my period never showing up, I had a feeling deep in my gut that I was pregnant. I stayed in denial until my period was 2 weeks late and finally took a pregnancy test. And ClearBlue never lies lol. PREGNANT! My husband and sister in law both were already aware of the panic of my late period so telling my husband was as simple as handing him the sticks and saying “It’s true, I knew it.” How romantic lol. A couple of days later, we shared the news with the rest of the family.

I immediately started to panic. My youngest is still such a baby. I was having a rough time weaning him and finding out I was expecting basically made me cut him off cold turkey. It was tough on us both emotionally but I knew it had to be done. Maybe I’m crazy, but nursing a toddler while dealing with all the crappy sickness of the first trimester simply did not appeal to me.

Also, I was 35 years old when we found out, on the brink of my 36th birthday which we celebrated during vacation. I had some emotions about my age wondering if we were too old to continue growing our family. And if I am being honest, it was more about what everyone else was going to think about us having a baby in our mid thirties more than it was me actually being concerned. I am healthy, active, vibrant and I know being 36 years old will have no impact this pregnancy. I am blessed to be able to have children and women are having children now in their 40’s and 50’s! Not that I plan on having anymore children- I’m just saying. There are a lot of women my age and older that I know IRL and virtually that have not even started having children yet. So I am really sharing this for them. Listen girls- as long as you are healthy, there is no reason why you should feel like you are past some “acceptable” age of reproducing. WE ARE NOT IN THE 1970’S ANYMORE! I can name 15 celebrities easily who are having children right now and are well past 35 years old. Anyway- I digress. Long story short, 36 years old is not too old to have a baby.

The First Trimester

We found out when I was about 5 weeks along so pretty early. I felt like crap from pretty much the beginning until day 2 of our vacation when I was around 9 weeks. Believe it or not, I felt really good most of our trip. I was so nervous to go on a long vacation during the first trimester thinking I wouldn’t enjoy myself at all but I am so glad my body handled it well.

Unfortunately, as soon as we returned home I started feeling sick again. Thankfully toward the end of the first trimester, my nausea subsided for the most part. Now that I am entering the second trimester, I do have a lot of aches and pains throughout the day. I have gained almost 9 lbs already which is CRAY so I am praying the second trimester the bump/weight gain slows down.

I normally don’t publicly announce our pregnancies until around 15 weeks but since my bump made an early appearance to the party, I decided to go ahead and announce our pregnancy publicly when I was 11 weeks along. There was really no sense in trying to hide it by that point and I felt a lot better once the news was out! My bump literally popped overnight.

Do we want a boy or a girl?

We already have two boys so most people assume we are dying to have a little girl. The truth is we love being boy parents and will be 100% content if our third child is another boy. I don’t see boys as some kind of consolation prize or second best. It was always my dream to be a boy mom and I am getting to live it. If this baby is a girl, we would be just as happy! She would be just the little princess these boys need around here. Basically, we just want a healthy baby and we don’t care if it is a boy or a girl.


My nausea is subsiding as long as I have snacks so of course my bag stays stocked these days. Other symptoms include achy, moody, fatigue, and TMI but a bit frisky which is not like me. I crave sweet and salty- my top cravings are Vietnamese Pho soup and snow cones. Oh and pickles 🙂

How will we make the room?

Our home is 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms and has about 2200 sq ft. While I complain frequently about not having enough room and our house being small, I have come to realize it sounds silly. We can get so caught up in the bigger the better these days that we forget most of us grew up with much less space than that and more family members.

The boys have their own rooms currently so they will be joining each other and Declan’s nursery will become the new babies. We lost our guestroom when Declan was born but we do have a loft space and started to use it when guests visit. Would I prefer a guest room? Of course! But what we have gets the job done. I also plan to redesign the loft/playroom to make it a little more functional for all 3 kiddos as well as continue to be an entertainment area for us as a family. My work is cut out for me!

This is not our forever home so we will be selling sometime over the next few years just depending on timing. We originally planned to only be in this home 5 years but having babies, me leaving corporate America, and life in general extended our time here (we just hit 5 years in July). Larger homes in our area have become quite expensive and ultimately our dream is to build a custom home on a small piece of land. I am totally fine with waiting to get what we really want and in the meantime, our house we have is fine. After all, a house doesn’t make a home. It is the people who live there so as long as I have my family I could care less where we live.

I already have a third row SUV but I know eventually we will have to get a larger vehicle as the kids continue to grow. I’m definitely more of a SUV gal over a minivan. Soooooo I better not have anymore babies- huh?!?!

That pretty much sums up how as this all happened! I am currently 13 weeks along and things are going well. Please keep us in your prayers as we go through this pregnancy and upcoming birth for a healthy baby and mama. I will try and share updates here about the baby as well as the gender and other fun pregnancy details throughout the rest of the year.

Happy Friday!

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Meet Tasha

DFW Realtor Tasha Hinton


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